History of the Strategic Planning Task Force:

The task force was appointed by the Board of Trustees in February 2018, to pull together the input from the congregation and form a cohesive plan for setting and achieving goals for the future of our congregation. This team of eight diverse styles and viewpoints put many hours of work into finding a way to approach the task in order to make the congregation’s new vision and mission count.  The result was a grand vision of the church in ten years, a picture of how it will look at three and five years, a first set of one-year goals and a process to unify the method across the whole congregation. The task force members will mentor each church team to help them learn to create and track their own projects to contribute to the goals.

Thank you to the task force members for untold hours of effort tackling this complicated task:
Lauren Ritter, Darby Fetzer, Phil Najar, Joyce Van Baak, Erin Michael, Jacquis Robertson, Rev. Gy Ludvig-McCartney, and Nancy Calme