In place of our regular Sunday services, Rev. Harold Beu will present sermons on various topics at 10:00 AM on Sunday mornings in July. Please note that our Summer Sunday Forums are onsite-only gatherings. There will NOT be an option to join via Zoom or YouTube. Childcare is available on request (,

July 7: What is Fear?
The following quote is from the Book “Understanding Fear in Ourselves and Others” by Bonaro Overstreet, author, poet, psychologist, lecturer, and the wife of Harry Allen Overstreet, writer, lecturer, and popular author on modern psychology and sociology: Of all the emotional forces that pattern our individual and interpersonal behaviors, fear has that most insidious power to make us do what we ought not to do, and leave undone what we ought to do.  Under its influence and trying to escape its influence, we seemed fated to give it a stronger hold upon us.  Harold will use Ms Overstreet’s book as a text to reflect on our current crises and our personal fears that prevent us from a full life, one with joy, love, and meaning.
July 14: What are we to make of Jesus?
Most Unitarian Universalists were born into the Christian tradition and some left it with pretty hard feelings. But, Christianity is the dominant religion of our nation and the Western World. It makes sense for UUs to look at Jesus’ teachings and model as our predecessors did. This Sunday, Harold will explore the approach taken by 19th-century abolitionist Unitarian minister Theodore Parker, who had an interesting view of Jesus.
July 21: Who Can We Trust?

At 78 years old, Harold has seen a good bit of our nation’s turmoil from the Vietnam War, the assassinations of prominent leaders, to riots involving the police, and the rise of various movements, beginning with the Civil Rights movement, which was a model for others, such the Feminist Movement, Environmental Movement, LBGTQ+ Rights Movement, and others. But today he senses a crisis in our land unlike those that have come before. At such times, we need to know we can trust to help us guide us through this difficult time in our lives. 

July 28: Is Every Person Inherently Worthy?
 All religions have the element of the nonrational, including our own.  Affirming the inherent worthiness of every person is a core UU principle. Can we truly believe this? For example, one could point to Adolph Hitler, who seems to be the poster child of evil, and ask whether he had inherent worth and dignity.  Good question.  Let’s attempt to answer it.