
Our congregation represents a commitment by many individuals to work in partnership for the greater good. There are many ways to serve and give back to our community.
Sunday Mornings
Opportunities abound on Sundays to become involved! Coffee setup/cleanup, providing snacks for coffee hour or providing flowers for the service are great ways to ease into volunteering. Being a greeter/usher is a vital role on Sunday mornings and is a great way to get to know people. Contact our Membership Committee if you are interested!
Volunteers are also welcome to become a lay leader for a Sunday service or to help run the audio/visual system; training is offered at least once a year and can be provided on an individual basis. To learn more please contact the Sunday Services Committee.
The Religious Education (RE) program for children and youth affords many occasions to be an integral part of the exploration and spiritual journey of our children. Teaching a class, helping with an activity or event and providing care in the nursery are just a few. Please contact our RE Director for details of the enriching programming!
Special Events
There are many short-term, annual or one-time events available where you can share your talents and passion:
- Kalamazoo PRIDE festival
- our annual Service Auction
- the Holiday Bazaar
- annual tag sale
- multigenerational social events
- provide childcare for a church meeting or event so parents can attend
These activities are organized by various committees or ministry teams. Contact the church office with your interest.
The full benefits of our faith community become more possible when we engage in the operation of the church. This is an opportunity to match your gifts, skills and interests with the needs of our community.
Our Committees and special task teams include:
- Program Council – A monthly forum for all members and friends of UUCC to come together to plan and organize the programming of the church. Social events, work projects, and the selection of organizations supported through our Generosity Sunday program are just a few examples. The Program Council is a great way to learn what is going on at the church, offer new ideas and get involved in making good things happen!
- Archives – Collect, organize, inventory, preserve, and make available the written, audio, video, photographic and other physical artifacts pertaining to the past and present history of the Unitarian Universalist Community Church.
- Caring Community – Offers calls, cards, visits and rides for those with physical ailments or illnesses. At UUCC, we are all part of the caring community.
- Connections Team – Assists people to connect and engage with the church and larger community on a spectrum of involvement that ranges from casual visitor to fully integrated member.
- Religious Education Committee for Children and Youth – Supports the RE Director to deliver curricula and events that nourish children and youth in spiritual growth.
- Social Justice Team – Supports our social justice work in the world to make our values real.
- Sunday Services Committee – Helps plan and deliver weekly quality worship experiences and supplies trained volunteers for lay leading and audio/visual support.
- Buildings and Grounds – Responsible for repairing, maintaining and improving the physical property of the church, inside and outside the building.
- Finance Committee– Monitors the financial status of the church, collects and tracks donations and pledges, tracks expenses, supports budget planning and pays the bills.
- Stewardship Committee – Organizes fundraising events to raise money for the church.
- Personnel Committee – Ensures consistent treatment for all employees and ensures employees are compensated in accordance with comparable institutions in the region and denominational standards.
- Committee on Ministry –Attends to the state of the ministry of the whole congregation. (Appointed by the board of trustees)
If you are interested in any of these volunteer opportunities, email us!