Many of our past sermons have been recorded and are available to hear online.  We also have a YouTube channel with video recordings of selected services.

Summer Forum: Who Can We Trust?

At 78 years old, Rev. Harold Beu has seen a good bit of our nation’s turmoil from the Vietnam War, the assassinations of prominent leaders, to riots involving the police, and the rise of various movements, beginning with the Civil Rights movement, which was a … read more.

Summer Forum: What About Jesus?

Most Unitarian Universalists were born into the Christian tradition and many left it with pretty hard feelings. But, Christianity is the dominant religion of our nation and the Western World. It makes sense for UUs to look at Jesus’ teachings and model as our predecessors … read more.

Summer Forum: What is Fear?

The following quote is from the Book “Understanding Fear in Ourselves and Others” by Bonaro Overstreet, author, poet, psychologist, and lecturer: Of all the emotional forces that pattern our individual and interpersonal behaviors, fear has that most insidious power to make us do what … read more.