Lending Library

UUCC has a library in the community room with books on a variety of topics that you may check out. The entire contents of this library can be reviewed at our ONLINE LIBRARY CATALOG.
If you have suggestions for additional reference material that would be useful, please contact the church office. The church librarian is always open to review donated materials to see if they can be added to our library.
CDs of Past Services
Did you miss a service and want to get caught up? We have a rack of CD recordings from which you can check out any special topic or date to review at your leisure. This is found in the back corner of the Community Room. Some of our snowbirds check out a stack of services to listen together on Sundays when they are far away.
Church Archives

Looking for photos of church events, memorials to members who have passed away, or historical information? Take some time to peruse the shelves of archive binders on the wall opposite the foyer. You may be surprised at what you find.
Bylaws and Policies
Are you confused about how UUCC operates? Ask! There are copies of our bylaws on a shelf with the Archives, and the board is responsible for keeping all our policies up to date. You can always speak to someone at the Welcome Desk on Sunday or contact the Membership Committee for a private orientation. When in doubt, call the church office.