Archives: Testimonials

Darby Fetzer

I could no longer pretend there was only one path when I knew there are many paths leading to God. I believe the Creator is more inclusive than any of us can imagine. As humans, we look for the assurance of one narrow road to … read more.

Regena and Eric

UUCC is at the intersection of all the things we value most. At UUCC, we have formed close relationships with people who share our values about equity and social justice. UUCC works with ISAAC (Interfaith Strategy for Advocacy and Action in the Community) to address … read more.


My mother’s side of the family is Catholic and I attended parochial school. Around the age of 13, I figured out that this religion wasn’t working for me and that Atheism was a better fit, with the freedom to explore my own ideology. I graduated … read more.


I have been a member of UUCC since it began and find that the inspiring messages on Sunday, the friendships in the church community, and the opportunities to make a difference in the world, together, bring me back year after year.

It was important to … read more.


Catholic nuns don’t question their faith. So, what is a person like me to do when doubt rears its insistent head. If you ask your spiritual advisor, which I did, you are told to pray because the devil is tempting you. The problem was, I … read more.