Topic: Social Justice

Project 2026

A potential roadmap for the next two years must include resistance, renewal, and protecting the progress we have made in diversity, equity, and inclusion in Michigan. Our guest speaker Jon Hoadley proposes a “Project 2026” and will share what it might mean for our community.

Join … read more.

Coming Out Sunday

In honor of LGBTQIA+ History Month and National Coming Out Day, we will celebrate the courageous ways that LGBTQIA+ folk live their authentic lives.   

Join us onsite or online! Visit  to register for the Zoom link.                                                      

Pride Sunday

Come celebrate living life out and proud! Our Unitarian Universalist faith affirms every person’s inherent worth and dignity, and this Pride Sunday, we will joyfully reaffirm our commitment to LGBTQIA+ equality, love, and justice for all.

Join us onsite or online. To register for the … read more.

To help us connect with the spirit of the 63rd General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association happening this weekend, we will share a recording of the sermon given by Jacqueline Duhart at the 2022 General Assembly’s Service of the Living Tradition called Rise Up, … read more.

Building Power for the Long Haul

Relational Organizing is a buzzword in Movement work these days. Jenny will speak on her work in Detroit deepening connections that have led to more meaningful and impactful work. She will share tips on how we can engage and expand our networks to create change, … read more.

Summer Sunday Forum: A Divided Nation

Much of the division we are experiencing in our land is our inability to come to terms with what happened 160 years ago, our Civil War, which was our nation’s greatest crisis and carnage. As the great Southern writer, William Faulkner said, “The past is … read more.

Summer Sunday Forum: Patriotism

What does it mean to be a patriot? Does having patriotism mean having a love of country, of the land, of its people, and its traditions? Is it an important quality for citizens to possess? Join Rev. Harold Beu for discourse and … read more.

Peace During War

Michael Wilder, Group Violence Intervention Coordinator for the City of Kalamazoo, will present and discuss his mini-documentary Peace During War about two former gang members, who made peace after almost 20 years of conflict. Through forgiveness, reconciliation, and education, these former gangsters are changing the … read more.