The Whole Nine Yards
After the loss of a close family member, Rev. Gy’s thoughts have turned to Birth and Death and how differently we prepare for both these inevitable events in a person’s life.
After the loss of a close family member, Rev. Gy’s thoughts have turned to Birth and Death and how differently we prepare for both these inevitable events in a person’s life.
Unitarianism as an organized religious movement emerged during the Reformation period in Poland, Transylvania, and England, and later in North America from the original New England Puritan churches. Rev. Gy will talk about the beginnings of the Reformation and why it is important for modern UUs to understand its significance.
Rev. Gy will be sharing with us about taking a look at the way we live and considering even small changes that may have huge impact on the environment, society, earth, animals, and all of us. We will also celebrate Flower Communion during the service … read more.
This will be an Intergenerational Service (all ages welcome and encouraged), led by our Religious Education Director Jacquis Robertson. We look forward to you all joining us, and we hope you’ll join us after the service for coffee and connecting.
The traditions we share with our friends and family provide a path that begins at periodic trail heads where our adventures are regularly repeated. Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Christmas, and the Festival of Lights are a few of the trail heads where the adventures begin. We learn who we … read more.
Please bring with you to the service a bit of water from your summer travels or from places special to you so we can join our waters together at our UUCC home. This will be an intergenerational service, and all ages are welcome!
On January 8, Rev. Kayle Rice will be speaking on the Unitarian Universalist “Black Empowerment” controversy. We are grateful to Kayle for stepping up on short notice (in her retirement) while Rev. Gy is down with an illness. Let’s hear how the UU denomination is … read more.
Rev. Gy will be speaking on the fourth UU principle which is, “A free and Responsible Search for Truth and Meaning.
Sunday October 23 – Rev. Gy will be speaking on the third UU principle which is, “Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations”.
Sunday October 16 – Rev. Gy will be speaking on the second UU principle which is,” Justice, equity and compassion in human relations”.