Our Sunday services start at 10:00 AM.  Dress is casual. Childcare is provided. You can join us on-site or via YouTube and Zoom.   Everyone who registers via Zoom will be sent a recording of the service.             

January 5: Letter to Self with Rev. Gy
Letter writing is a deeply reflective action that, when done with mindfulness, can bring profound results. On the first Sunday of the New Year, Rev. Gy will guide us through the spiritual practice of writing a letter to our future selves. Whether you’re hoping to achieve specific goals, following up on gratitude intentions, or giving yourself words of encouragement or affirmation, your future self will appreciate hearing from you.
Visit tinyurl.com/uuccletters2025 to register for the Zoom link.

January 12: It is All a Choice with Rev. Gy
A lot has happened since Michelle Obama first spoke the now-famous catchphrase, “When they go low, we go high.”  Many of us have learned that when you go up against those who fight dirty it is impossible to stay clean. How can we stay true to our principles and values when others are willing to say and do anything to win?
 Visit tinyurl.com/uuccchoices to register for the Zoom link.

January 19: Sharing Grief with Rev. Gy
UUCC member Sherrie Vandeputte purchased the topic for this sermon at our annual Goods and Services Auction.  We all experience grief and loss.  They are as much a part of life as joy and happiness. We may not be able to choose whether we experience these things, but we can choose how we face them.
 Visit tinyurl.com/uuccsharinggrief to register for the Zoom link.

January 26: Project 2026 with Jon Hoadley
A potential roadmap for the next two years must include resistance, renewal, and protecting the progress we have made in diversity, equity, and inclusion in Michigan. Our guest speaker Jon Hoadley proposes a “Project 2026” and will share what it might mean for our community.
Visit tinyurl.com/uuccproject2026 to register for the Zoom link