This Week's Service

Inside Out

Join Rev. Gy for an exploration of the connection between the body and mind and how it impacts our ability to flourish.

Join us onsite or online! Visit to register for the Zoom link.

Recent News

  • Generosity Giving for October
    GIVE TO OUR COLLECTION FOR THE DOMESTIC VIOLENCE COALITION This month, UU Community Church is proud to support the Domestic Violence Coalition (DVC) of Van Buren County for our Generosity Sunday collection. Since 1996, DVC has been providing free, compassionate services to those affected by domestic and sexual violence in our community. Their mission is to ...
  • Sacred Work of Grief Workshop
    Where there is grief, there is sacred ground.~ Oscar Wilde We are excited to be joined by Rev. Tracy Laveque, graduate of One Spirit Interfaith Seminary and the Art of Death and Dying Institute for a special 90-minute mini-workshop on the Sacred Work of Grief, Tuesday, October 29 at 7 PM on Zoom. During this workshop, we ...
  • Thoughtful Thursday with Libby Slocum
    Join us on October 24th from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM ET on Zoom for a conversation with Libby Slocum on holistic healing and the mission and vision of the Land of Light Spiritual Center. Learn how the center is dedicated to helping people connect with their inner wisdom and nurture their well-being through spirituality, community, and natural healing techniques. Nestled ...
  • Mindful Living: A Journey to Inner Peace
    Join us for the Mindful Living Course, starting October 14th, facilitated by mindfulness expert Eric Nelson. This free, flexible monthly series, held via Zoom, is part of the “Living from the Heart” program at the Unitarian Universalist Community Church of Portage. Designed for both new and seasoned practitioners, the course features bi-weekly sessions that include guided meditations, insights from Essential Spirituality by Roger Walsh, and engaging community ...
  • Love at the Center
    Love is the power that holds us together and is at the center of our shared values. We are accountable to one another for doing the work of living our shared values through the spiritual discipline of Love. These words introduce the newly adopted statement of principles and purposes found in Article II of the Unitarian ...
  • Religious Exploration for Kids and Youth
    Our programs for children and youth this year will be focused on putting Love in the center of all we do! Most Sundays, classes meet on the lower level at 10:00 AM for stories, games, activities, and art. On other Sundays, children and youth stay upstairs for a multigenerational worship experience. If you have any ...
  • Check us out on YouTube!
    UU Community Church has a YouTube channel where you can watch edited versions of our Sunday Services, listen to favorite hymns, and enjoy guided meditations. Visit us at to see all we have on offer. Be sure to subscribe to make our videos easy to find and help us spread our life-giving ...


16 Oct
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20 Oct

Our People

I could no longer pretend there was only one path when I knew there are many paths leading to God. I believe the Creator is more inclusive than any of us can imagine. As humans, we look for the assurance of one narrow road to lead us home. Unfortunately, religion tells us the road is reserved only for those who believe and follow that specific doctrine. How can that be true for Christians and for Jews and for Muslims and for Hindis?

In UUCC, I’ve found a home that allows and welcomes my belief of “many paths lead to God”. Our Pastor, Reverend Gy, and guest pastors inspire us with stories and messages from all the major world religions. We, as a spiritual community, believe in Science, protecting our planet and all living beings, and are greatly concerned about Climate Change.

While I was not raised in a politically and socially active home, I understand that protests and rallies are often required to get the attention of the public and policymakers. UUCC is very active and intentional in aligning with change-making efforts for a more equitable and just society for all. The folks at UUCC walk the talk!

On a personal note, I have never found a more welcoming, supportive, and compassionate community. People generously serve in our sponsorship of a Refugee Congolese Family and our quarterly Generosity Sundays – collection plate is given toward a local charity.

Congregants are also empowered to use their passions and talents in any area of their choosing. I enjoy serving on the board, marketing committee, singing in the choir, and will soon be facilitating a monthly Zoom group on “Civil Conversations”.

UUCC is a place for independent thinkers searching for truth who join together to make the world a kinder place. It is the spiritual community my husband and I have chosen to call “home”.