
At UU Community Church, we make our values real. Unitarian Universalists see inherent worth and dignity in every person; we seek justice, equity and compassion in human relations and promote respect for the larger interdependent web of all existence.
Our faith-based approach to social justice draws from many sources, including words and deeds of prophetic women and men which challenge us to confront powers and structures contrary to our values with justice, compassion and the transforming power of love.
UUCC pursues social justice through the actions of individual members, the work of the Faith in Action Committee and as a whole congregation. Some social justice activity is centered within UUCC; some is pursued in coalition with the local interfaith social justice coalition, ISAAC (Interfaith Strategy for Advocacy and Action in the Community); and some occurs in partnership with our denomination at the state and national levels.
Whatever the nature of our social justice engagement, it invariably helps us learn and grow. We partner with people from all parts of the community. Our eyes are opened to complexities previously hidden from our view. We discover talents we did not know we had. We discover affirming power in pursuing justice collectively.