Speaker: Rev. Harold Beu

UU Community Church member and retired Unitarian Universalist minister Rev. Harold Beu was a senior in high school when John F. Kennedy was assassinated. He participated in anti-war protests, including the March on Washington against the Vietnam War. He worked in a poverty-stricken neighborhood in Pittsburgh as part of ViSTA, the domestic version of the Peace Corps. He worked for a time as a high school teacher of history, civics, math, and psychology.

Harold went to graduate school in Berkeley and received his MDiv from Starr King School for the Ministry in Oakland. Ordained in 1982, he served Unitarian Universalist churches in California, Michigan, and Indiana before retiring a few years ago.

Harold actively works for Peace and Justice in our community as a member of Kalamazoo Non-Violent Opponent to War (KNOW) and can frequently be found at one of KNOW’s weekly vigils for Peace, Sunday at noon to 1:00 PM, in front of the Federal Building at the corner of Park and Michigan downtown Kalamazoo. Harold would like you to know that you are always welcome to join him at these vigils and reminds everyone to, “Keep hope alive!”

Summer Sunday Forum: A Divided Nation

Much of the division we are experiencing in our land is our inability to come to terms with what happened 160 years ago, our Civil War, which was our nation’s greatest crisis and carnage. As the great Southern writer, William Faulkner said, “The past is … read more.

Summer Sunday Forum: Patriotism

What does it mean to be a patriot? Does having patriotism mean having a love of country, of the land, of its people, and its traditions? Is it an important quality for citizens to possess? Join Rev. Harold Beu for discourse and … read more.

The Truth Will Set You Free

In our nation today, and indeed, in the world, there seems to be a movement away from people seeking the truth.  Instead too many have become captivated by harmful illusions. We must find a way to reverse this trend for the good of all humanity. … read more.

Tis a Gift

Tis the season to think about money at UU Community Church. Money is not the most appetizing subject since asking for it can make one feel vulnerable and being asked for it can make one feel annoyed. Harold invites us to focus our minds instead on … read more.


Online Services will be live-streamed via Facebook on Sundays at 10:00 AM.  Video recordings of services can be found on YouTube.  

This will be the last of Rev. Beu’s trilogy of sermons centering on Reinhold Niebuhr’s Serenity Prayer.  Wisdom is hard to come, it seems, and there … read more.


Online Services will be live-streamed via Facebook on Sundays at 10:00 AM.  Video recordings of services can be found on YouTube.  

Reinhold Niebuhr’s Serenity Prayer begins with the idea that we must learn to accept what we cannot change. This can be a hard thing to do. … read more.

It Matters What We Believe

Unitarian Universalists sometimes have a difficult time trying to explain what we believe to others and even to ourselves.  Join us as we attempt to us to gain a clearer understanding of what it is that we believe, of what brings us together as a … read more.