This January, UU Community Church is proud to dedicate our Generosity Sunday collection to ISAAC (Interfaith Strategies for Advocacy and Action in the Community). ISAAC brings together faith-based and non-religious organizations to address critical issues like gun violence prevention, anti-racism, and housing in Kalamazoo County.
🗓 Join us on Sunday, January 12, to hear from Dr. Charlae Davis, ISAAC’s Executive Director, as she shares about their incredible work.
📢 Here’s how you can give:
✔️ Write a check to UUCC with “Generosity Sunday” in the memo line and send it to us.
✔️ Donate online via the church website or the Vanco app.
✔️ Contribute cash or loose change during the January 12 service.
Let’s come together to make a difference in our community! ❤️