Topic: UU Principles

Strong and Determined

In honor of Women’s History Month, Rev. Harold Beu will share stories about strong and determined UU women whose words and deeds challenge us to confront the powers and structures of inequity with justice compassion, and the transforming power of love.              

Join us onsite or online! … read more.

Brick By Brick

How can we construct a future where everyone can live strong and proud? Come and explore how to lay the bricks, drive the nails, and reinforce the beams that support a fully accessible and inclusive spiritual community.

Join us onsite or online. To register for … read more.

It is All a Choice

A lot has happened since Michelle Obama first spoke the now-famous catchphrase, “When they go low, we go high.”  Many of us have learned that when you go up against those who fight dirty it is impossible to stay clean. How can we stay true … read more.

The Best Meal

Our annual Bread Communion is an interactive, family-friendly celebration of gratitude and community. You are encouraged to bring a loaf of bread (or similar food) to add to our communal table.

Join us onsite or online! To register for the Zoom link visit


Openness to change is fundamental to our Unitarian and Universalist heritages We are never complete and never perfect either as individuals or as a spiritual community. Join Rev. Gy to explore Transformation as a core Unitarian Universalist value, centered on love.

Join us onsite or … read more.

E Pluribus Unum

As summer ends, we will celebrate our annual Water Communion, a ritual of welcome and homecoming to begin the new church year. Combining water from different sources in a communal bowl, Water Communion represents our connection and unity. Out of many, there is one! Be … read more.

Summer Sunday Forum: What About Evil?

All religions have the element of the nonrational, including our own.  Affirming the inherent worthiness of every person is a core UU principle. Can we truly believe this? For example, one could point to Adolph Hitler, who seems to be the poster child of evil, … read more.

From Root to Fruit

Join us as we celebrate Stewardship Sunday by considering how our good care of what is already here will lead to a bountiful harvest in the future.

Join us onsite or via Zoom Meeting ID 968 1889 5583

Our services are also live-streamed via YouTube on Sundays at … read more.