Topic: UU Principles

The Truth Will Set You Free

In our nation today, and indeed, in the world, there seems to be a movement away from people seeking the truth.  Instead too many have become captivated by harmful illusions. We must find a way to reverse this trend for the good of all humanity. … read more.

Reflections on Stoicism

UUCC member David Senecal has been reading about Stoicism, a school of thought that flourished in ancient Greek and Rome, and has been struck by the similarities between its ethical framework and Unitarian Universalist theology.

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Adaptive Ministry

When one strand of the web is broken, the entire web is prone to collapse. When we in UU spaces speak of our 7th principle, belief in the interdependent web of all existence, we are not merely speaking in metaphors. Our existences are intricately woven … read more.

Principles and Purposes

Miriam, our Director of Religious Education, will share what she learned at General Assembly about the work of the Article II Study Commission and their mission to propose revisions to our principles and purposes and how it might impact our congregation as we seek to … read more.

Now is the Time

In 1997, before the kids in our youth group were even born, the UU General Assembly voted to commit to intentionally becoming an anti-racist, anti-oppression, multicultural institution. For a while after this vote, there was some good progress, but then we got distracted and progress … read more.

Sojourner in a Foreign Land

In the United States, immigration can be a heated and divisive topic of debate often focused on the narrow
lens of its effect on us, our jobs, our economy, and our security ignoring the other side of the equation. Immigration can also be looked at as … read more.

Through the Eye of a Needle

Jesus preached that wealth was a spiritual stumbling block. But what does that mean exactly? Is wealth always immoral and corrupting? Is poverty a virtue? What does all this mean for us?

In-person services have been suspended temporarily. Please join us via Zoom (Meeting ID: 926 … read more.