Topic: Spiritual Growth

Becoming Love

Our guest speaker, J. Barrett Lee, will reflect on our monthly theme, senescence, based on his experience serving (at different times in his life) as a hospice chaplain, a pastor, a philosophy professor, and a substance abuse counselor. 

Please read through our Covid-19 Gathering … read more.


As summer comes to an end we will celebrate our annual Water Communion as a ritual of welcome and homecoming as we begin the new church year. This service invites you to come home to a place where your spirit may be fed and your … read more.

Preparing the Soil

Just as an acorn needs rich soil to grow into a mighty oak, people need a supportive community to realize their full potential.  Rev. Gy will help us consider what ingredients are necessary for a community to help people weather change and grow.

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Growth and Change

Our Director of Religious Education, Miriam Epskamp will help us kick off a new year and a new spiritual theme – Growing the Tree of Life – with an exploration of the challenges and benefits of growth and change.

Please read through our Covid-19 Gathering … read more.

Summer Sunday Forum: Hope

One of the favorite readings for weddings from Paul in Corinthians 13 on his thoughts about love. He ends that verse with these words: … But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love. Certainly, love is what we hunger … read more.

Celebrating Our History: Emerson & Fuller

Unitarian Universalism names direct experience as an important source of religious and spiritual understanding, an idea that originated with 19th century Transcendentalism. Join us as we celebrate our history with a ‘dramatic dialogue’ between two important figures in the Transcendental movement, Ralph Waldo Emerson and … read more.