On Life and Death: The Hidden Teachings of the Aramaic Jesus

Renowned religious scholar, Neil Douglas-Klotz, will join us via Zoom from his home in Edinburgh to talk about his new book, Revelations of the Aramaic Jesus, which collects his 40 years of work on the radically inclusive and holistic vision offered by the words and example of Jesus as seen through his native Aramaic language. He will also guide attendees into entering Jesus’s indigenous worldview and experience through examples from the Beatitudes, which begin, “Ripe are those who find and hold onto their only home in the breath….”  The brief talk will include a chant and guided contemplation.

Please read through our Covid-19 Gathering Guidelines before joining us in person.

For those who prefer to watch at home, you can join us via Zoom Meeting ID 910 6299 3883

Our services are also live-streamed via Facebook on Sundays at 10:00 AM. 

Video recordings of services can be found on YouTube.
