The mission of the Connections Team is:

  1. Welcoming – by all and to all
  2. Connecting – communicate opportunities to socialize, engage, help and lead, both in our church and the wider community
  3. Streamlining – put our processes into writing and provide training to volunteers

The primary functions of the Connections Team are to:

  • Collect address records for visitors and a maintain the current membership list.
  • Notify the office of new members to arrange for subscriptions to the “UU World” magazine.
  • Track attendance of members, friends, and visitors. This information is used to follow up with newcomers and to contact congregants who have been absent from services who may need assistance/or referral to Caring Community.
  • Recruit, train, and schedule Greeters for Sunday Services.
  • Keep the Welcome Desk supplied and staffed.
  • Maintain the brochure rack
  • Provide name tags 
  • Provide an “Incredible Introducer” to share information on Sunday mornings, and highlight “Super Servers”
  • Make a concerted effort to sit with visitors and to introduce them to others during coffee.
  • Publish a Church Directory every year and an update addendum as needed.
  • Provide orientation/path to membership opportunities and new member joining ceremony annually